6 Ocak 2015 Salı

Teenagers' Rights in Turkey

What is the legal age for drinking beer or wine? *  18
What is the legal age for drinking spirits (whiskey, rhum, vodka...) * 18
What is the legal age for voting? * 18
What is the legal age for buying cigarettes? *18
What is the legal age for leaving home? * 18
What is the legal age for driving a car? * 18
What is the legal age for driving a motorbike? * 17
What is the legal age for driving a tractor? * 17
What is the legal age for having a bank card? * 18
What is the legal age for having a passport or an ID card? * 18
At what age must people do the military service? * 20
What is the legal age for going to discos? *18
What is the legal age for leaving compulsory education? * 19
What is the legal age for getting married? *You can get married if you are 18. Also, If there is a permission of family, you can get married at the age of 16.
What is the legal age for having a job? *15
What is the legal age for abortion? * 19
What is the legal age for punishment responsible on the law? * 12, 15, and 18 depend on the crime

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